The greatest resource of a small or medium enterprise is the enterpreneur her- or himself. Terapia Revontuli’s solution-focused work coaching offers a place for entrepreneurs to unload work-related stress and worries, and an opportunity to strengthen and uphold wellbeing at work. At the same time, work coaching allows enterpreneurs to discover their own strengths, to find ways to improve themselves in their work, and to cherish the areas of work that bring joy.
Being an entrepreneur can be stressful and demanding, but at the same time, many find it extremely rewarding and joyful. Terapia Revontuli offers solution-focused one-on-one work coaching to support entrepreneurs individually based on the solution-focused brief therapy method. Work coaching allows clients to unload and clarify work-related feelings, experiences, role questions and other dimensions of work. Work coaching supports the psychological wellbeing of entrepreneurs and helps entrepreneurs to improve their own potential and to identify their strengths.
If you are an SME entrepreneur, Terapia Revontuli’s work coaching can be beneficial to you in situations when you are stressed out or when work-related thoughts or worries are on your mind so extensively that it is hard to get rest from them. If you are in a creative line a work, work coaching can be of help in situations when you have run into a state of a mental block thwarting the flow of your creative juices. You could also try work coaching in situations in which you feel like you are ready to grow as an entrepreneur and to take up new challenges, but you feel you could need a little bit of outside help to support you on the way.